TCR observatory

Ethics and transparency before anything else.

We strongly believe in the importance of the collaboration between Clients and carriers. The business relationship shall be based on transparency and objective knowledge of all details which might be considered potential risks.

We strongly believe that sharing values as compliance, quality, road safety, eco-sustainability, business continuity, reputation, social responsibility and compliance with rules is the prerequisite for an ethical supply chain, that respects all the players of production, transport, logistics and trade.

We strongly believe that promoting fair competition is the basis for a truly sustainable supply chain from an economic, social and environmental perspective.

With benefits for all.
For Clients, for Transport and Logistics Companies, for the Society.

Transport Compliance Rating – TCR, the international rating protocol for Transport and Logistics, came about for this reason. It is with this spirit that the Observatory Transport Compliance Rating (O.T.C.R) has been established.

The TCR Observatory is an apolitical and non-profit association which, among its functions, collects information, news and best practices about the international transport and logistics industry in order to let the affiliate members constantly discuss and analyze them.

O.T.C.R. can include Effective Members, i.e.  industrial and commercial enterprises which use transport and logistics services, and Supporting Members, i.e. those companies that do not use transport and logistics services but wish to support the TCR model for its ethical and social purposes.

Governance and operating features

The TCR Observatory Bodies


Elected by the Effective members’ meeting, it is in charge of coordinate the Observatory in all its activities, including the approval on new versions and/or modifications of the TCR protocol.


Appointed by the Executive Board, it is composed of experts on the subject, lawyers, transport and supply chain experts. It is in charge of any technical issue on behalf of the Observatory, the implementation of the assessments area and requirements recommended by the Executive Board, the update of TCR protocol according to members requests and new regulations, the surveillance on the auditing activities and the check of the technical features of third parties which will carry out the Audit in the different countries.



  • Set the guidelines.
  • Appoint the Certification Body.
  • Supervise the protocol.


  • Controls the TCR protocol.
  • Develops the TCR protocol.
  • Updates the TCR protocol.


  • We promote the spread of compliance culture with regards to quality, road safety, eco-sustainability, ethics, social responsibility, business continuity and respect of rules in Italy, European Union and the International Community among the workers of the transport and logistics industry.

  • We assess and certify the compliance with the requirements based on objective criteria, regulations and standards. The requirements are outlined in documents firstly drawn up and proposed by the Scientific and Technical Committee and then approved by the majority of the Executive Board.

  • We push for the publication of studies concerning quality, road safety, eco-sustainability, ethics, social responsibility, business continuity and respect of rules.

  • We collect data and information about the national and international transport sector that might be of interest to the Association.

  • We carry out all the activities that might be useful to achieve the goals of the Association.


The Executive Board

Alessandro Ferri
Alessandro FerriChairman of the Executive Board
Transportation Manager Industrial Supply Chain of Italy, Ferrero Industriale Italia
Roberto Magnani
Roberto MagnaniMember of the Executive Board
Vice President Logistics, BARILLA GeR Fratelli
Andrea Mantelli
Andrea MantelliMember of the Executive Board
Supply Chain Director, CONAD
Massimo Marciani
Massimo MarcianiSecretary and Director of the Executive Board
President, Freight Leaders Council
Alessandro Peron
Alessandro PeronMember of the Executive Board
General Secretary, FIAP (Federazione Italiana degli Autotrasportatori Professionali – Italian Federation of Professional Carriers)

The Scientific and Technical Committee

Camillo Zana
Camillo ZanaMember of the Scientific and Technical Committee
Expert in National and International assessment standards
Franco Fantozzi
Franco FantozziMember of the Scientific and Technical Committee
Senior security and privacy consultant, Adjunt Professor University of Sacred Heart, Milan
Piero Savazzi
Piero SavazziMember of the Scientific and Technical Committee
Expert in Transport and Logistics rules and regulations and in relationship with national and international Transport and Logistics organizations
Sergio Barbarino
Sergio BarbarinoMember of the Scientific and Technical Committee
P&G Research Fellow – Open Innovation & Home Care Process Innovation. Vice Chair ALICE.

Who can join O.T.C.R.


Industrial and commercial enterprises that use transport and logistics services, may apply for effective membership.



Companies that do not use transport and logistics services but wish to support the TCR for its ethical and social purposes, may apply for supporting membership.