Observatory TCR

Ethics and transparency above all.

Transport and logistics is a highly competitive sector in which, not infrequently, there are companies that, in order to acquire customers, offer services at ever lower prices, to the detriment of quality, safety and compliance with current regulations.

An unreliable transport chain creates serious repercussions for the entire system: for the Clients who are exposed to possible involvement, for the virtuous Transport Companies who are at risk of survival, for the Company which may suffer economic damage and in terms of safety, environment and competitiveness.

We believe in the importance of a client-carrier collaboration relationship based on transparency and objective knowledge of all information considered potential risk factors.

We believe that sharing values such as compliance, quality, road safety, eco-sustainability, business continuity, reputation, social responsibility, and respect for rules, is the prerequisite for an ethical supply chain that respects all actors involved in production, transport, logistics and trade.

We believe that fostering fair competition is the basis for a truly sustainable supply chain, from an economic and social as well as an environmental point of view.

With benefits for all.
For Principals, for Transport and Logistics Operators, for Society.

The International Transport and Logistics Rating Protocol TCR was born for this, and with this spirit the Observatory Transport Compliance Rating – O.T.C.R. was born.

The Observatory TCR is a non-profit association that promotes and encourages the dissemination of the culture of compliance and sustainability in the transport and logistics sector, through the analysis and evaluation of: corporate structure and organisation, product safety, workplace safety, environmental compliance, road safety, risk management, business continuity, use of technology, reputation and sustainable development. Among others, it also performs an important function of collecting data, news, best practices on the sector at an international level, allowing direct comparison and collegial analysis with the various associate members.

O.T.C.R.’s membership is open to Full Members, i.e. Industrial and Commercial companies that use Transport and Logistics services, and to Supporting Members, i.e. those companies that, although not using Transport and Logistics services, wish to support the TCR model for its ethical and social purposes.

TCR Observatory Members



Governance and Operation

The TCR Observatory Bodies


Elected by the General Assembly of Full Members, he has the task of coordinating the Observatory in its activities, including the approval of new versions and/or amendments of the TCR Protocol.


Appointed by the Board of Directors, it consists of subject matter experts, lawyers, academics, transport and supply chain specialists. It has the task of translating the areas and evaluation criteria suggested by the Board of Directors; keeping the TCR protocol updated according to the needs of members or new regulations; supervising the correct execution of auditing activities; verifying the technical characteristics of the appointed third-party bodies that will deal with audits and any technical issues on behalf of the Observatory in the various countries.

Representatives of the major national and international institutions are also part of the Technical Scientific Committee as observers.

What we do
in O.T.C.R.

  • We promote and foster in Italy, among the states of the European Union and the international community, the dissemination of the culture of compliance in the areas of quality, road traffic safety, governance, eco-sustainability, social and ethical responsibility, business continuity and mandatory regulations, with particular reference to operators and employees of companies operating in the logistics and national and international transport sector.

  • We assess and certify compliance with the requirements on the basis of objective criteria, norms and standards, set out in documents drawn up and proposed by the Technical Scientific Committee and subsequently approved by the majority of the Association’s Board of Directors.

  • We are constantly updating the technical documents for the achievement of the above-mentioned purposes, to be used as a criterion for the evaluation of auditees.

  • We encourage the publication of studies and insights on quality, traffic safety, eco-sustainability, ethics and social responsibility, business continuity and mandatory standards.

  • We collect data and news, also in the international field, that may be of interest for the activities of the Association and its members.

  • We generally carry out all activities that are recognised as useful for the achievement of the Association’s aims.

Executive Board

Alessandro Ferri
Alessandro FerriPresidente del Consiglio Direttivo
Transportation Manager Supply Chain Industriale Italia, Ferrero Industriale Italia.
Roberto Magnani
Roberto MagnaniBoard Member
Vice President Logistics, BARILLA GeR Fratelli
Andrea Mantelli
Andrea MantelliBoard Member
Direttore Supply Chain, CONAD
Massimo Marciani
Massimo MarcianiSecretary and Board Director
Presidente, Freight Leaders Council
Alessandro Peron
Alessandro PeronBoard Member
Segretario Generale, FIAP – Federazione Italiana Autotrasportatori Professionali

Technical and Scientific Committee

Camillo Zana
Camillo ZanaChairman of the Technical Scientific Committee
Expert in National and International Evaluation Standards
Piero Savazzi
Piero SavazziVice-Chairman of the Technical Scientific Committee
Expert in transport and logistics regulations and in relations with national and international organisations related to the sector
Sergio Barbarino
Sergio BarbarinoMember of the Technical Scientific Committee
ALICE Vice President and Senior Technical Director, Collaborative Research and Process Innovation P&G Household Products
Franco Fantozzi
Franco FantozziMember of the Technical Scientific Committee
Security and privacy expert consultant, Adjunct Professor of Università Cattolica S.Cuore Milano
Antonello Fontanili
Antonello FontaniliMember of the Scientific Technical Committee
Director Uniontrasporti – in-house company of the chamber system
Damiano Frosi
Damiano FrosiDirettore dell’Osservatorio Contract Logistics del Politecnico di Milano e Advisor in progetti di Logistica e Supply Chain Management
Gian Matteo Panunzi
Gian Matteo PanunziMember of the Technical Scientific Committee
Docente di Bioeconomia Presidente Dipartimento nazionale Unicoop Ambiente , Agricoltura e Pesca Presidente del laboratorio di logistica sostenibile presso Roma Scalo San Lorenzo
Lecturer in Bioeconomics President of the national Unicoop Environment, Agriculture and Fisheries Department President of the Sustainable Logistics Laboratory at Roma Scalo San Lorenzo
Alessio Totaro
Alessio TotaroMember of the Technical Scientific Committee
Partner Studio RP Legal & Tax

Technical Secretary

Antonella Minelli
Antonella MinelliTechnical Secretary

Who can join O.T.C.R.


Companies, industrial and commercial, that use transport and logistics services can join as Full Members.


Companies that do not use transport and logistics services but wish to support TCR for its ethical purposes can join as Supporting Members.